ICMS 2018 - Call for Session Proposals

The 6th International Congress on Mathematical Software will consist of several topical sessions. Each session will provide an overview of the challenges, achievements and progress in a subfield of mathematical software research, development and use. The program committee will consist of the session organizers. We solicit session proposals.

For inspiration, have a look at the sessions of past ICMS: ICMS 2016, ICMS 2014, and ICMS 2010

You are invited to propose a session if you

How to propose a session

  1. Prepare a session proposal with the following contents.

    • title of the session
    • name(s) of the organizer(s), with contact addresses and emails
    • aim and scope of the session (at most 150 words)
  2. Submit it

  3. The decision on the proposal will be made

    • by the program chair, the general chair and the advisory committee
    • within mid-February 2018

How to organize a session

Format of a session

This format is meant only as a rough frame; the organization of a session can be done in a quite free fashion (e.g., concerning the duration of the individual contributions). “Talks” may also include software presentations and demos.

Possible topics for sessions

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