Level 1: You submit a short abstract by March 31, 2018 April 14, 2018 (extended deadline).
If accepted, then you will give a talk at ICMS.
Furthermore you may (if desired) proceed to Level 2.
Level 2: You submit an extended abstract by April 21, 2018 April 30, 2018.
If accepted, then it will appear on the conference proceedings.
Furthermore you may (if desired) proceed to Level 3.
Note that some sessions might not have Level 3.
Level 3: Submit a full paper after the meeting to the session organizer.
Some sessions will organize journal special issues immediately after the meeting.
The details will be communicated to you by the session organizers.
It must be submitted to the session organizers as an email attachment or as an abstract via EasyChair.
We encourage that you submit it as soon as possible.
If you submit early, then you will get the decision early.
The organizers will make a decision within a week of submission.
If accepted, then it will appear on the conference web page immediately.
It should use the latex template and the LNCS latex style.
We encourage that you submit it as soon as possible.
If you submit early, then you will get the decision early.
The organizers will make a decision at latest by April 30, 2018 May 7, 2018.
If accepted, you will be asked to submit the LaTeX source files via EasyChair by May 11, 2018 May 31, 2018.
The paper will then be published in the conference proceedings.
Conference proceedings will appear as Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Please use Springer style files and templates for the preparation of extended abstracts.
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