ICMS 2018 - Sessions
The congress is organized in sessions, addressing different aspects of mathematical
software. There will be also demos, tutorials and posters. If you would like to give a
talk, you need to submit first a short abstract and then later an extended abstract to one
of the organizers of the corresponding session. Proceedings of ICMS’18 will be published in the Lecture
Notes in Computer Science series. See the guidelines for the details.
A short abstract will appear on the permanent conference web page (see below) as soon as accepted.
An extended abstract will appear on the permanent conference web page (see below) as soon as accepted.
It will also appear on the LNCS proceedings that will be distributed during the meeting.
Some sessions will organize a journal special issue consisting of full papers after the meeting.
List of Sessions
- General Session (details)
- Algorithms and applications for curves and surfaces (details)
- Symbolic Summation and Integration (details)
- Polyhedral methods in geometry and optimization (details)
- Post-Quantum Group-based Cryptography (details)
- Groebner Bases (details)
- Machine Learning for Mathematical Software (details)
- Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation (details)
- Mathematical Interfaces: Computing, Modeling, Web & Mobile (details)
- Backtrack search techniques in groups and combinatorics (details)
- Computational Algebraic Geometry (details)
- Symbolic Combinatorics (details)
- Towards Composable Mathematical Software (details)
- Management of Mathematical Software, Mathematical Knowledge and Research Data (details)
- Software for exact and certified numeric computations (details)
- Quantifier Reasoning (details)
- Formal and Informal Mathematical Corpora (details)
- Software for Mathematical Reasoning and Applications (details)
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