The International Congress on Mathematical Software 2020 (ICMS 2020) will be held in Braunschweig, Germany on July 13-16, 2020:

The conference seeks submissions in the area of Mathematical Software, understood in a wide sense. Mathematics has a wide variety of branches, from Algebra to Analysis, from Geometry to Number Theory, and many more. One theme across all these branches is the notion of effectivity: mathematical theories often predict the existence of objects with certain properties and it might be important to find such objects. Conversely, to formulate conjectures and new mathematical theories, we may need to explore the space of such objects, and use them to prove new theorems. Mathematical software is the common tool in such quests. Mathematics also has increasing overlap with many mathematical disciplines such as Computer Science and emerging areas auch as Computational Sciences and Engineering. A key factor in this convergence of mathematical disciplines is the idea of computation, as manifested in the form of mathematical software in such disciplines. All of these things have their place at ICMS.

Important Dates:

Submission deadline (short abstracts): February 23, 2020. Notification: by March 1, 2020. Submission deadline (extended abstracts): March 16, 2020. Notification: by April 27, 2020 Final version of accepted papers due: May 09, 2020.

Submission process:

There are two levels of submissions (short and extended abstracts). Going to Level 2 requires to go through Level 1 before.

Level 1: In order to give a presentation at ICMS 2020 submit a short abstract (plain text, i.e., without using any mathematical symbols, etc; 200 words max.) by February 23, 2020 via email to a session chair. The meeting will consist of two types of sessions: General and Special. See whether there is a special session that fits your work, from the list of the sessions. If there is no special session that fits your work, then choose the session called “General”. If accepted, then you will give a talk at ICMS. Furthermore you may (if desired) proceed to Level 2. For the list of sessions see

We encourage that you submit it as soon as possible. If you submit early, then you will get the decision early. The organizers will make a decision within a week of submission. If accepted, then it will appear on the conference web page immediately.

Level 2: You submit an extended abstract by March 16, 2016. If accepted, then it will enter the conference proceedings, which will appear in the Springer series Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). It should be at least 4 pages and at most 8 pages. It should follow the Springer guidelines for authors In particular, it should use the latex template and the LNCS latex style. The extended abstracts must be submitted via EasyChair to as a single file, containing all the files. This must include one LaTeX source file, one bib file with the references, and one PDF created from the source. If you should have TikZ graphics, include it into the LaTeX source. Additional graphics files may be added to the zip file as PNG or JPG.

The extended abstracts contain original research that has neither been published nor submitted for publication elsewhere. Authors need to sign a Consent-to-Publish form, through which the copyright of their paper is transferred to Springer.

In addition some sessions may organize journal special issues immediately after the meeting. The details will be communicated to you by the session organizers.

Organizational Structure of ICMS 2020

General Chair:

Michael Joswig (TU Berlin, Germany)

Program Co-Chairs.

Program Committee:

Local Chair:

Timo de Wolff (TU Braunschweig, Germany)

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