Second International Conference on Mathematical Software

Castro Urdiales, SPAIN, September 1-3 2006

Session 10

Title: Access to Mathematics on the Web
Organizers: Paul Libbrecht (


For mathematical documents on the web to be useful to humans, they need to be readable, linked, and searchable. In turns search requires a standards-based encoding semantic representations to ensure interoperability.

The freedom of navigation on the Web creates opportunities and challenges for the user that have to be taken into account  to make maths material on the Web accessible. This session focuses on mathematics on the Web and how it can be accessed.

Presentations are sollicited including topics such as:
 - search for mathematical web-documents
 - readability and accessibility of mathematical web-documents
 - navigating through mathematical knowledge

Organizer's contact data:

Paul Libbrecht


Postal address:
AG Siekmann, DFKI
Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3
66123 Saarbrücken

Phone: (0681) 302-4628
Fax:       (0681) 302-2235